This time they wondered if we would be interested in participating in a major event on Times Square in New York. The client was Greenworld.org that is on a mission to help planting trees all over the world, and having people donate to achieve this. This was something that we found quite natural to warm to, and the assignment went to the team of Boris & David, who are used to working together and producing visually exciting material in a very short time. It proved to be a very good choice and all involved worked very hard to achieve this.
- This project was a great example of teams around the globe collaborating for a greater good. We had 12 different sized jumbo screens in Times Square, each broadcasting our film, which encouraged participants to text in a donation to plant trees. We also had another screen that counted the number of trees planted with a digital tree that grew in real time. It all came together with the help of creative and technical teams in 6 cities, from Bangalore to Stockholm. It went off without a hitch; a truly global effort to help re-plant the world's diminishing forest. -John Davis
This was a quote from the Creative Director at the agency David & Goliath showing his gratitude to all the people that were involved in this truly global and magnificent project. We were very happy to be part of this achievement.